About Us
Arrabri Lodge is a family-owned business, established in the early 1920’s. It has had many uses over the years, originally built as a guesthouse. Today it is known as a School Camp.

We can sleep up to...
Our Story
The original building which is now our dining hall was called the ‘Marroondah Guesthouse’ and was built in the early 1920’s. The picture below shows what Arrabri Lodge looked like in the 1940’s.
The discovery of large deposits of gold in the area surrounding Warburton caused a population explosion in the mid-1850’s. By the late 1890’s, most of the ‘easy’ gold had been found and prospectors had moved on.
A timber industry took over in Warburton as gold ran out. Wagon loads of timber were taken over rough bush tracks to Lilydale, the start of the railway line at that time. In 1901 the railway was extended all the way to Warburton strengthening the growing timber industry. The timber mills provided work for all who wanted it, and towns, such as Powelltown, sprang up around some of the mills.
Today the railway line to Warburton no longer operates (it closed in 1965) but is known as the ‘Warburton Trail’ and is a terrific walking (bike trail) running all the way into Lilydale. Looking out your bus window on the way to Arrabri Lodge you will see the trail following parts of the Warburton Highway.
Going back to before Melbourne was established the Yarra Valley was home to aboriginals from the Wurundjeri tribe for many thousands of years. They continued to live in campsites on river flats and swamps for some time after European settlement.
In 1845 Robert Hoddle (an explorer looking for the source of the Yarra River) came to Warburton and created detailed maps of the region. As a result, a new community of farmers came to live in the area.
Today Warburton is a very popular town of the Yarra Valley providing many family experiences. Whether it be a picnic along the river, a trip to the top of Donna Buang, a wander through the Redwoods or a splash at the waterpark, you are guaranteed a great day out!